Here's Why You May Be Attracted to Older Men
Posted by | April 8, 2018
Over the years, you’ve seen a bit of a change in your dating adventures.
Younger men just don’t seem as appealing to you anymore.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t have any good options though. But sometimes, you just want a man who has his act together, and who knows how to act maturely when needed. This is probably why you find older men more attractive now.
But the age gap is freaking you out a bit. It shouldn’t.
Age gaps have been romanticized in the media. But you know the challenges that go along with it. This is why if you want to find a good older man, you have to approach him methodically. But first, you have to satisfy that niggling thought in your head.
Is maturity the only reason you’re attracted to older men, or do you suffer from the dreaded daddy issues?
What Does Science Have to Say?
From a socio-biological standpoint, it is an intriguing argument.
We’ve seen many species aside from humans in which younger females and younger males are attracted to the older opposite sex. In evolutionary terms, the answer to why we’re attracted to older men is because genetically, their older age and accomplishments signify their power, both genetically and economically.
An older man – one who has accomplished more in his life –will be a more appealing option for a woman who wants to have stability in her life.

What Makes Older Men So Appealing?
An older man doesn’t have a job, he has a career. He isn’t just wasting his life, spending money frivolously and living hand-to-mouth.
So much time has passed and clearly, the man has invested his finances in himself and his lifestyle. He knows what he wants, who he is and has more life experience than most of the men out there.
He’s financially secure, can respect your passion for a career and doesn’t feel threatened if you succeed at your job. In fact, he respects your hard work because he’s already gone through it. And because he knows so much about your struggles, he’d probably support you through it all. With an older man, there’s a sense of security, a sense that he will not be afraid to talk straight with you. While with younger men, you know they’ll beat around the bush for as long as possible, especially since they wouldn’t want to be tied down.
For older men, they’ve sowed their wild oats. They want to settle down now.

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