How to Be a Sugar Daddy?
Posted by | February 10, 2017
Believe me when I tell you that there's no recognized stereotype of 'Sugar Daddy'. I guess you may image a 70-year-old real estate tycoon, drink wine while sharing a Rolls-Royce with several blonde chicks; Or an affluent dandy hosting a Pool Party full of bikinis, glow sticks and beers. Well, at present the truth is most of sugar daddies are relatively 'normal guys' if it must be classified. They turned to seek some kind of mutual beneficial relationship - Sugar Daddy Dating for various reasons.
Therefore, the people in sugar world like to consider sugar daddy a generous benefactor. You don't have to buy a Rolex and there's no any age limit as well. For those who want to become a Sugar Daddy yet are new here, this post would give you some tips for experiencing the best sugar life.
#1 Active
That's the first step to let it work for you to seek arrangements. Others can view your profile and see the last active time of that, if you don't stay active you may miss some opportunities that girls come to you first, as they may think you've left and they are tending to find other guys online. On Sudy you can edit your profile at will, including photos (default one of them as your avatar), About Me, your tags, feed pictures and caption in Moments... All of above can make you stay active and always in front of girls, that's a good way to impress them. Besides, send message to other, when you matched someone it means she is into you as well, just chat with her or send her some sugar as a present, to express your sincerity.
#2 Sincere
Don’t put “Hi I like you can you add me xxxxxx on xxx to chat more” as the first sentence when you massage others, the first reaction of everyone who ever received these kind of pick-up lines on a sugar daddy dating site or app would consider you a scammer. Why you want me talk to you in another place before we know each other? What kind of arrangement you’d like to find? State what you can provide before you ask for them to date you once a week or other ways. Let them know exactly, they would trust you as a real potential sugar daddy, instead of a scammer. And then that’s fine you two turn to other place to negotiate the allowance or specific arrangement if it's more convenient for you.
#3 Respectful
One thing you learn when you come into sugar world, is that give your respect to every sugar baby you meet. Sugar babies on the site is seeking for more than pay-for-sex if you just want to find prostitute or escort sugar daddy dating may not for you. Escort won't 'dating' with you, and therefore there's known as companionship that sugar baby can give you in return. Sugar babies may have different jobs, collage students, barmaids, office ladies, models...If you want to find a sugar baby and let her treat you like a king, you need to give her what she wants - a negotiable regular allowance or the way like spoiled girlfriend are - and before that, pay attention to your manners, as she has the right to reject you as well.
#4 Generous
Volunteering the topic about allowance even before the question is put by her, not only because allowance is one of the most important things that you two must mutual agreed in this relationship, also because generous sugar daddy always on the top of 'Most Popular Types of Sugar Daddy' ranking. It's surely a common sense in sugar daddy dating, that financial support or getting extra spoiled are two major reasons why they turn to be sugar babies. So, make your potential sugar baby see that you are willing to talk about $$$, they'd also willing to negotiate the arrangement with you. You'll be the best sugar daddy they have dreamed of, if you show your generous.
Then you can let things go naturally. Women on the site are mostly not looking for traditional relationships in spite of themselves could still be considered as dating object, that would be a struggle if you want to find a serious girlfriend or traditional long-term relationship. However, there are still a small number of people finding each other as lifetime couple in sugar daddy dating. The most important is that you two share a common vision and be serious to each other as well. Of course, we always give our best wishes to them.